sâmbătă, 30 martie 2024

Murmurs from the realm of magic

As the last raindrops finished their jam session, a screeching sound could be heard somewhere in the distance, more like a whisper. The flower bulb was about to open its petals for the first time ever and show its beautiful face to the world. All the sisters heard her one by one, blooming in waves of beauty and the sun rays made the circle complete by creating the biggest group hug the nature has ever seen. Some call this Spring, other prefer to call it the revival of hope. Not only the nature blooms but also people around the globe discover new parts of themselves, learning to love better and bigger. Magic is on Earth but only a few can really see it.

sâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2018

That moment

It hit me today that moment. When you look around and you realise you have everything you didn't ever think of wishing. Rooftop view with somebody that really sees me as I am. Let life flow.

vineri, 4 august 2017


I want to tell you a story about joy. I have been part of a eight people group hug that gave me such tremendous joy that inspired me to create joy for a bigger amount of crazy beings. So when we were at the psy stage, I suggested to Paz to group hug all the fireflies that were burning the dancefloor with their energies. Imagine a chain of more or less of twenty people laughing shoulder to shoulder. As the chain was curving the whole psy zone, each and every single person that was looking at us was laughing. Can you realize the happiness I felt when I realized that I have been guilty for making so many people laugh? Love and hugs to all the elfs that participated to this and infinite thanks to the nature that allowed us to live such joy right in the middle of her heart. All photo credits go to: Christian Bryn. Tusen Takk!

vineri, 25 noiembrie 2016

Dynamic dreaming dancing meditation

Stelele se joaca leapsa cu licurici. Imaginea se mareste, ma vad plutind pe un lac mare si limpede, in mijlocul muntilor, inconjurata de padure. Ating cu varful aratatorului unda unui val si toate undele valurilor se transforma-n fosforescent. Ma uit apoi la corpul meu si realizez ca sunt fosforescenta din cap pana la varful degetelor de la picioare. Ajung la malul lacului si-mi vad corpul fosforescent acoperit doar cu parul lung pana la nivelul buricului. Sar si ma ridic deasupra brazilor. Ating tot cu varful aratatorului un varf de brad verde si se umple instant de zapda. Mai ating inca o data, se face verde la loc. Ma joc astfel cu brazii, plutind deasupra lor pana cand in departare vad luna. M-am uitat in ochii lunei, i-am zambit si cu o alta atingere am transformat-o si pe ea in fosforescent. O bufnita incepe sa fluiere. Cobor pana la ea, printe frunzele copacilor si ma vad in ochii ei mari. Licurici.

marți, 1 noiembrie 2016

My motto in life

Azi, gandidu-ma la prieteni dragi si la amintirile colectionate in cufarul de suveniruri, am reusit sa imi gasesc mottoul care sa se potriveasca cu viata mea. Nu este copiat si nici citat de undeva. Este scris de mana mea, cu pixul pe hartie: Follow the path to your core passion and you will end up living your dreams while loving the life you live.

luni, 10 octombrie 2016


O zi de nota 10. Azi a fost pentru prima oara cand am purtat hanoracul meu de urs polar pe bicicleta (noua) alba. Asa am descoperit cum sa devina soferii imuni cand ma vad. Azi, in loc sa ma claxoneze, sa ma injure, sa tipe cum fac de obicei, toti care se uitau la mine imi aruncau zambete. Toti! Nu numai soferii, ci si pietonii. Daca toti biciclistii din Bucuresti ar purta hanorace cu urechiuse de animale, oare cata lume ar zambi in Bucurestiul asta gri? Intr-un fel mi se pare trist ca doar asa a ajuns lumea sa zambeasca dar daca asta e situatia, atunci o sa imi cumpar hanorace-animalute de toate culorile si modelele. Cred ca soferii/pietonii imi arunca zambete cand ma vad imbracata asa pentru ca isi dau mai bine seama ca sunt un omulet cu intentii bune si ca inca nu a disparut copilul din mine. Si atunci cand primesti si raspunzi cu atatea zambete, cum sa nu te umpli de bucurieee?

marți, 27 septembrie 2016

When life happens.

Each and every second is unique. So try making your time count with: - feelings that help you grow - people that help you know more of yourself - ideas that make your brain expand - memories that make you flow Choose life and squeeze all it's powers.